Increased Multiplayer stability for LAN and Internet games. Increased Multiplayer performance for LAN and Internet games. Corrected an issue that caused player icons in the mini-map to disappear. Increased stability for both Singleplayer and Multiplayer portions of the game.

Please check the NVIDIA website for future driver updates which may resolve any existing issues. Improved stability for computers using Dual-Core CPUs with NVIDIA GeForce 6 or GeForce 7 graphics cards. Resolved various stability issues associated with multiple hardware configurations. Corrected an issue with the sky texture on Geonosis. Corrected an issue that caused the remote rockets awarded to heavy weapons class soldiers to become invisible. Adjusted the weapon animation speed based on how fast the player is moving. Corrected functionality issues with Droidekas. Added additional server-client functionality to increase the online experience. Added support for the LCD screen on the Logitech G15 Gaming keyboard.

Added support in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer for additional maps. Poniżej znajduje się angielskojęzyczny opis aktualizacji: Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do amerykańskiej edycji gry.