However, his spine is also augmented, and it's unclear if people with just limbs augmented are any stronger. Then he gets his arms and legs replaced with metal ones and can break bones with ease, deliver instant-KO Hey You Haymakers, and if he unlocks his software with Praxis kits, punch through walls and jump 3 meters high.
Artificial Limbs Are Stronger: During the prologue, Adam Jensen is a normal, non-augmented human, and has no melee attack available. Also, if you look at his chest when he's shirtless (best seen in the Missing Link DLC) you can see there's a support bar crossing his torso under his skin, linking both arms together, to prevent them tearing out. While Jensen can punch through walls and do some serious damage with his prosthetics, its not as over-the-top as some other examples.
They are handled in a slightly more realistic way than most examples, especially regarding the super-strength aspect.
Artificial Limbs: Part and parcel of his augmentations. But then my hacker goes missing, you break into my place of business, half my men end up dead, and you don't even have the manners to knock when you enter a room. Anti-Hero: Depending on your play style, he can be extremely trigger happy, yet still aligned with good. And even ingame cutscenes have him drinking whiskey when otherwise not on a mission. Concept art and trailers constantly have him drinking whiskey when not in combat. The Alcoholic: Adam has a prescription for Nuronex in the stash at his apartment, which is prescribed to people with Werner-Korsakoff syndrome, a thiamine deficiency frequently found in alcoholics. This is due to him being the Sole Survivor of a series of human experiments performed at White Helix Labs, a Versalife subsidiary.
Adam and/or Eve: Jensen is the first augmented human that doesn't suffer from rejection syndrome, essentially the first more-than-human human. Unlike most cases of this trope, the Typhoon doesn't take the user out with it. Action Bomb: The Typhoon Explosive System is a cybernetic enhancement that causes you to shoot 10mm steel projectiles in a radius around you. Abnormal Limb Rotation Range: Adam's hands can spin freely.
The game revolves around Jensen's attempts to find answers to why Sarif was attacked and how Megan is connected to all of this. He was an ordinary human until a surprise attack from unknown forces left him a mauled mess, which forced Sarif Industries to augment his body. He's a former SWAT police officer turned security specialist hired by Sarif Industries to handle any threats the company might face. Voice: Elias Toufexis (English) note Other Languages:Artyom Kretov (Russian)