Can these characters not use a mirror or turn their bodies more than 30 degrees?! Also much like in the first game, there are hubs of activity which you will be travelling to and from over the course of the campaign. Something that sorely disappointed me was the fact that there is STILL no way to look behind you whilst reversing in a vehicle. The controls are almost exactly the same, with it now being made clear to hold down ‘B’ to enter Fury mode. Oh, I failed to mention earlier that your character still has a monologue when choosing them and Sam B.’s “Who Do You Voodoo?” track can be heard once more. Even the perks were identical to Dead Island (at least from what I noticed/remember). The same can be said for the skill trees, which are still split into Fury, Combat and Survival categories. It will all seem very familiar to players of the original, with it practically being the same U.I. In the pause menu, you have access to the Quests, Map, Inventory, Skills and Team tabs. I like it up close and personal… *evil grin*. (how can you NOT pick him?!), I was the blunt weapon specialist. I believe this was so that we could have fun with using some of the skill upgrade abilities from the get-go also to get a better idea of what each character can build towards in that regard, given each’s unique specialty.

If I recall correctly, we all started on a level playing field, but at level 18, not 0. Drop-in, drop-out co-op returns in this edition, and as we were playing system linked, we were required to simply pause the game and join the local party. After a relatively brief cutscene, we are given control. With their helicopter crashing on Palanai – another island in the same archipelago – our play-through opens up with the survivors regaining consciousness and scrambling to organise themselves on the shores. Purna, Logan, Xian – and my favorite – Sam B., feature after attempting to escape the island of Banoi at Dead Island’s conclusion. Before jumping in, we were presented with multiple characters to choose from, with each of the four main characters from the first game made available. SPOILERS: The fate of the first game’s main characters will be referenced here so be warned if you haven’t finished it. Played on the Xbox 360, the session was 3 hours long (!!) and gave a pretty complete idea of what to expect from this sequel – sold as a spin-off – which will be releasing on April 26th in Europe and nation-wide here in Australia.

We recently had the chance to get in some 4 player, system link co-op on Dead Island: Riptide.