i didnt have alot of friends that had the game back then so i mostly play by myself, i remember the dayz survival clock or what ever you want to call it, which essentially gave an overall survival time of all the players playing dayz, if i remember correctly it started at around 10 minutes of overall survival time before the player is being eaten alive by zombies or getting killed by other players that want to take his loot. When DayZ mod came out at its very first days, i havent had a decent computer to even run the game properly, i would get very low and unplayable FPS but that problem has been fixed by upgrading my PC parts, back when i first started playing dayz, it was somewhere around june-july 2011 where the game was still very buggy and still in beta. Also would like to point out that I am HeadAdmin of two DayZ Epoch communities. I consider myself a hardcore gamer and enjoy playing all sorts of games except of league of legends and crap like it. I am currently doing full time at my local community college, I enjoy gaming and have a monster of a rig that I would like to show off with. My name is Boyd, I am 23 Years old, living in north dallas.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself So this block of text is going to be more of a mixture of a rant and explaining why DayZ Mod is dying if not already dead.